Aveline Noelle: Month 5

Aveline! You are 5 months old!

This month can be summed up by wanting to eat everything, laughing and more family time! Aveline is wanting to get into everything we are eating and drinking and loves to be around people. She is changing every day and we are loving every second of it.




Aveline is still a rock star sleeper! She woke up at 5am two mornings in a row and I was worried she may be hitting the 4th month sleep regression that I had heard about, but it must have just been a fluke because it didn’t happen again! She is doing great in the crib. We went to my sisters house in Charleston and it was the night of the time change. It was 8pm and she was fussy and I realized it was because it was 2 hours past her bedtime and she was used to 7pm! Never in a million years would I have predicted that I was the one with a baby on a tight sleep schedule.




Aveline is still doing to the same eating schedule. When she is with Jamie, she nurses in the morning and at night and then Jamie gives her 3 bottles. We have started to let her play with food and take licks of foods like bananas, apples, etc. Whatever whole foods we are eating. She also is a rockstar at holding glasses. Its crazy to think she picked that up just from watching us drinking out of a glass. The doctor still wants us to wait until 6 months to introduce food since she is breastfed. So until then I am just doing my research on baby led weaning. We want whatever Aveline is eating to serve a nutritional purpose so no rice cereal or fillers for her:) (Well that’s our goal…..lol will let you know how that goes!)




  • Aveline was quite the little party goer this month! She went to a baby shower and an engagement party! Its such an exciting time in our lives, so many happy things happening for everyone.


  • Aveline is turning into a Daddy’s girl! She just loves him. When he is travelling, and he videochats, she could be nursing or fast asleep and she just hears him say “Hi girlie” and she perks right up! If I had a 3rd arm I would videotape it for sure.

  • Aveline loves her feet! Its like the moment she realized she had them and could chew on them she was in heaven!

  • Stacie and Darren also came to visit! We love visitors and love the ones who tell us they just want to hang out with us:) No need to plan anything crazy. It was such a nice and relaxing weekend


  • My mom is a teacher, and wasn’t able to take much time off when Aveline was born so I am so happy we was able to spend her spring break with us. We went to Charleston to see my sister’s classroom, and just had a relaxing week:) My mom tried to get Aveline to give up the thumb and use a pacifier full time….well this was Aveline’s response.

  • Aveline came to my work to see what I do:) She wasn’t too impressed.

  • She is definitely still teething. She is all about anything cold and rubbery at the moment.

  • She is a pro at flipping on her stomach in about 2 seconds.

  • We were able to see Uncle Zach and Aunt Heather a ton this month! Love living so close to them.



  • Aveline was able to make her Great Grandma smile and we were able to say goodbye one last time. Such a precious moment for my mom and I.

  • I am truly enjoying being a mom and spending every second with Aveline. I feel like we have such a close bond and she can’t even talk yet!




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